
Archive for October, 2008|Monthly archive page

So Here’s Something Interesting…

In Interesting, Music, News on October 31, 2008 at 1:11:04 am

Deadmau5’s “Not Exactly” sounds an awful lot like Glenn Morrison’s “Contact”. Have a listen:

Variation on a Meme

In General, Personal, Tech on October 29, 2008 at 9:02:44 pm

Perhaps My Favourite Series of Album Covers Ever

In Geeky, General, Music on October 29, 2008 at 12:28:46 am

Modwheelmood released three volumes of their Pearls to Pigs EP set, making one complete album in the end. Here are the covers for each release:


Anyway, all three volumes are excellent. My favourite tracks on each volume:

  1. MHz
  2. Domenica Pomeriggio
  3. Scared of Everyone

Go buy them on iTunes or Amazon today.

Windows 7

In Apple, Interesting, News, Tech on October 28, 2008 at 1:02:58 pm

I know this post is going to come off all Mac-fanboy-ish, but it must be said.

Jump lists:

OS X’s dock menus:

Window peeking:


New system tray, which users are in control of:

OS X’s menu bar (which I am in control of):

Note: if you’re wondering why there are some funny characters in these screenshots (like the O’s above), I’m mucking around with a system font with an incomplete character set.

OS X is handling these features simpler, more elegantly, and better.


Images from Ars Technica.


In General, Interesting, Personal on October 9, 2008 at 11:00:48 pm

Just thought I’d give a teeny update on the statistics front. About a year ago, I was averaging around 40-50 page views per day, with a one-day high of 170. As of today, I’m averaging about 150 views per day, and an all-time high of 494.